Welcome to the Oxford Students Liberal Association!
We are Oxford's foremost liberal society, and are always keen to have new members. Whether you are an ardent liberal or are simply interested in new people, debates, and great socials, you will always be welcome with us. OSLA aims to be the beating hard of Liberalism at Oxford, regularly hosting a range of prominent Liberal Democrat speakers and joint events with other student political societies.
Throughout this website, fantastically put together by our Webmaster, Hayden Williams, you will find everything you need about our society; from the termly magazine to the membership form - and of course the all-important term card! Members of the Committee are always keen to hear from new and prospective members so feel free to reach out to any one of us.
After our reemergence in Spring of 2024, we have delivered two fantastic term-cards and are incredibly excited for the coming Hilary term. Come and find us at our Liquor and Liberalism social on Wednesdays, or follow our social media for updates on our speaker events, panels, and debates! We're delighted you've found our website, and we hope to see you at one of our events soon.
Yours Liberally,
Will Lawson
The President - Mansfield College
Hilary Term 2025