Join our ranks!

All events are posted to OULA's Instagram!

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  1. Check Eligibility
  2. Click here for the Membership Form. Our standard membership rate is £5.00 per 1 x Oxford University Academic Year (Michaelmas, Hilary, Trinity).
  3. Submit the form along with the membership fee specified.
  4. A member of our Committee will verify your status as a member. You will be sent an email with confirmation- welcome to OULA!

OULA only uses '' email addresses for communications with members. Please check your 'spam' regularly.

The OULA Eligibility Criteria

To join OULA, you must be / have been a student of either of the Oxford Universities (the University of Oxford OR the Oxford Brookes University). OULA's Executive reserves the right to admit non-university members on an individual basis through a majority vote of Closed Council. Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries regarding membership - also consider reviewing our Standing Orders for more information.
Adapted from Michaelmas Term 2024 Standing Orders

... Alumni?

Once OULA, always OULA ... we always enjoy hearing from alumni of the Association. OULA members have gone on to do great things ... some even as Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom! Please click here to go to the Alumni page.


Do you enjoy lively debate?

Liquor & Liberalism is OULA's regular flagship event. Drinks of all kinds are provided at discounted rates for members! In addition to L&L, we regularly host Speaker events ... some even our Alumni. We frequently collaborate with other political societies in Oxford from everything from Mock PMQs to curry nights!

Are you interested in meeting new people?

OULA attracts members from all across Oxford doing a variety of degrees from PPE to Computer Science. Meet new people you might not have spoken to otherwise !

The Beating Heart of Liberalism at Oxford

Whether you wish to learn, debate or talk about Liberalism ... or all of the above ... or politics in general ... or campaign for the Liberal Democrats in Oxford, OULA is the place to be. For enquiries about getting involved, please contact us!

Once OULA, Always OULA

OULA keep in regular contact with many Alumni of the Association and many Alumni remain friends throughout life after University ... we have also recently established our new Emeritus Committee to help advise the Committee.